Roller Derby - Dreams






By Orion Joski-Jethi



Hamburg-based dream-pop duo Roller Derby captivated audiences with the success of their 2023 EP, ‘Always on My Mind’, and are now looking to shine their shimmering soundscapes on the UK with their latest single, ‘Dreams’.


Listening to ‘Dreams’ feels like getting lost in a throwback indie film. It’s as if you’ve entered Ryan Gosling’s passenger seat in Drive, or you’re drifting off in the window seat across from Joseph Gordon-Levitt in 500 Days of Summer. You feel an overwhelming sense of nostalgia, hopefulness, and yet melancholy – ‘Dreams’ reminds us the sobering reality of the past, and portrays the beautiful mystery of the future. These qualities arise from the pop duo’s love of chorused guitars and synth pads, which hark back to those powerful eighties synth ballads as well as the sixties’ love of clean, reverby electric guitars. Even the song’s story tells the tale of a forgotten or regrettable love story, with lyrics like “Whispers come, they call to me,” or “Echoes fading silent,” feeding into the texture of the smooth and dreamy pads.


The prototypical two-part chorus harmony, with the higher part double panned to each side, creates an ethereal quality to the vocals, making them feel almost lifted into the dream space. It further propels the lead vocal into a more forward and present dimension, which can sometimes feel lost amongst the myriad of chordal information presented in the constant guitar plucks and droning synths. While the song’s structure is rigid and unchanging to fit the ambient nature of the song, Roller Derby provides subtle development with the introduction of different textures throughout the track. The clean electric guitar plucks are subtly replaced by an overdriven, distorted and feedbacked electric guitar slide; the soft, underwhelming kick drum stabs are at times saturated to the extreme to feel like they’re bursting out of the drum kit; and the seemingly omnipresent thumping bassline is occasionally doubled with higher octave grit to ensure the constancy is not forgotten or ignored.


The whole record is steeped in these shimmering elements, helping to create and embody that cinematic, dreamlike sensation. It is a testament to Roller Derby’s songwriting and production that they have crafted their intended atmosphere and vibe in ‘Dreams’ so powerfully.  

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